It's been 41 long, fruitful years where I, Mrs. Madhu Daryanani dedicated myself wholeheartedly to the cause and upliftment of students in the field of education. What is 'LIFE' without 'EDUCATION'? one may ask. The word 'EDUCATION' sums up knowledge and awareness in different aspects of our life as we grow from a toddler to adulthood. We never cease to learn. It is an ongoing process till we take in our last breath. Teaching and imparting knowledge has always been and will always be my forte and goal in life. Nothing satisfies me more than being in the forefront in coaching children to the best of my ability.
'Teaching' for me is not only a profession but an act of love. It gives me utmost pleasure when I see my students tutored by me faring well in their respective board exams, thus making them self confident individuals wanting to aim for the skies. Besides looking after their studies, I stress for an all round development of my students. Punctuality and regular attendance are the key words that is usually stressed upon at all times.
All work and no play makes students absolute 'duds' and so to break the monotony and create bonding among my students I have had social gatherings whereby children are socially interactive and enjoy themselves to the hilt.
Over the years, since the strength of the students kept increasing and the students' comfort was of priority, we (Akshay and myself) over a lot of deliberations decided to move to a bigger and better place having special rooms for different subjects. We now have specialised teachers for different subjects and coach the students from Std. I to X of all boards.
I, Mrs. Madhu Daryanani reiterate my commitment for the betterment and all round development of my students. I sign off and wish you all the very best that life can offer. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.
Mrs. Madhu's Daryanani
Head of Academies